Ekki missa af þessu einstaka tækifæri! Þar sem við fengum stuttan fyrirvara á þessari geggjuðu heimsókn þá ákváðum við að hafa alla lýsingu á ensku. Takmörkuð pláss í boði!
Join us in welcoming world-renowned pole and aerial artists Donna Carnow and Gina Alm back to Iceland! They are offering a wide variety of fantastic workshops listed below. Workshops are 75-90 minutes in length.
Bonus: If you sign up for 2 or more, we will add one regular class pass to your account! (Good for normal scheduled 60min classes, ie flex, conditioning, pole, silk, lyra, etc.)
Tuesday 18. June 19:30-21:00
Floor to Ceiling Flow // Open level
Ups and downs, highs and lows! Fill your space and dazzle your audience with a flow that stretches from the floor to ceiling and back. In this open level workshop, we seamlessly weave floor work into base work into an ascent/descent from the pole. Inversions optional – open to all levels!
Friday 21. June 18:45-20:15
InvertaPole // Intermediate-Advanced
Get ready to get upside down and some blood in your brain! This workshop offers a variety of pole handstand combos and concoctions. We will isolate and refine handstand + arm balance techniques, look at them in application to pole, and incorporate these inverted skills into your pole repertoire in combinations. Shorts required.
Pre-requisites: leg hangs, inverted crucifix
Sunday 23. June
Pole’ography // 11:00 // Open level
Pole’ography is a dance-based pole class in which we learn and break down choreography that focuses on stringing together movement patterns that combine moving into and out of the floor, dance technique, and a variation of codified spins and strength-based movements on and around a static pole. This class offers strategies and techniques to improve and apply a dancer’s strength, movement pick up, musicality, technical proficiency, performative qualities, and artistry.
Layers and kneepads recommended.
Grounded flight: contemporary floor work // 13:00 // All levels Pole and Aerial
Calling all pole dancers and aerialists to step out of the sky and learn how to fly on the ground! Learn how to seamlessly move into and out of the floor in this contemporary floor work workshop. We will focus on the techniques required to efficiently move through space and access a sense of weighted release to gravity. Together we will embody phrase work that is filled with swelling waves and bursts of momentum that continue to redirect and propel the body through space.
*Layers and kneepads recommended.